D&D 5E - How to run Death House without killing your entire party

A DM should not run an adventure while unwary, and every adventure I've ever seen has clearly stated as much in the introduction - usually along the lines of "familiarize yourself with this adventure by reading through it at least once before running it."

I think the real message here lies with this statement: "The unwary DM who runs this adventure as written will have a TPK on her hands."

A DM should not run an adventure while unwary, and every adventure I've ever seen has clearly stated as much in the introduction - usually along the lines of "familiarize yourself with this adventure by reading through it at least once before running it."

The job of identifying that an adventure is suitable for the play style a group wants to use is a job of each DM, who is fully capable of figuring out by reading the material whether it will be enjoyable (with or without alteration) for their group. It is not a job of the author, for whom it is impossible to write an adventure that no one group in the entire hobby will find unsuitable.

